2023 Aaron Kettl and Kristen Riley virtual session

The Future of Collaboration in Construction:

Technology Transforming Traditional Ways of Working

Virtual Session #2

Aaron Kettl, Procore Technologies​
Kristen Riley, Procore Technologies

Technology has transformed the way work gets done across industries. In construction, many large companies have already gone through an initial technology transformation by leveraging software to move from paper to digital documents and processes. Yet, there is still significant fragmentation across construction stakeholders - from General Contractors, Subcontractors, Architects, Owners, and more - when it comes to collaborating together to get work done. Procore team members Aaron Kettl and Kristen Riley will share their perspectives on:

  • key trends for how companies are improving the ways they collaborate on construction projects
  • challenges these teams face and how technology can help address those challenges
  • their 3–5 year vision for collaborative construction technology and how you can start preparing your organization for that change.

About Aaron

Aaron Kettl is the Head of Design Strategy at Procore. Born to a general contractor, Kettl began his journey on construction sites as a heavy equipment operator and steel fabricator before transitioning into architecture. Armed with an MBA in Design Strategy, he has dedicated the past decade to designing software for IBM and Expedia Group. Now, as the Head of Design Strategy at Procore, Kettl passionately guides teams to drive innovations in construction, empowering the people in construction to make safer, more informed decisions through artificial intelligence and predictive tools.

About Kristen

Kristen Riley is a Director at Procore Technologies. Riley has spent over a decade working in technology at companies like Adobe and Amazon and has a background in operations, lean principles, and industrial engineering. She joined Procore 3 years ago and is passionate about helping companies improve their processes and drive greater efficiency and quality using technology. Riley manages a team at Procore that is focused on improving collaboration in construction with an emphasis on communication and driving awareness across project teams, and across companies, of important updates and work to be done. She lives in Santa Barbara with her family, including two young boys who keep her on her toes.

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